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Dates: 4-13 October Venue: Vienna, Austria

Coordinator: Verein zur Unterstützung und Begleitung für Lehrlinge mit Migrationshintergrund in Österreich , Austria


Association de Développement Rural International du Bas Ségala, France

Equal X, Georgia

Eskişehir Sosyal İnovasyon ve Girişim Derneği, Turkey

The aim of the training course was to develop competences, knowledge and experience of the youth workers in order to support disadvantaged young people in making positive changes and decisions, overcoming the obstacles through choosing the safe ways and engage them with active civil life.

In this project, it was gathered together experienced youth workers, who work directly with disadvantaged youth having different kind of fewer opportunities and disabilities and who were strongly interested in developing their competences. Best practices, specific methods and tools about the topics such as counselling, coaching, non-formal learning in working and experiential education were shared and a TOOLKIT which reflects  project's working outcomes was prepared and distributed to other youth workers too worldwide.

Objectives of the project were

- To connect youth workers and provide opportunities to share their knowledge and working practice linked to disadvantaged youth groups.

- To show up the main features of the problems disadvantaged youth face in our countries and EU.

- To explore the obstacles and demands of youth workers engaged with daily youth work practice with disadvantaged groups

- To equip youth workers with specific methods of supporting young people, such as counselling, coaching and mentoring

-To deepen partnership between the partner organizations through creating long-term approaches and strategies

- To design the TOOLKIT for youth workers in order to share gathered knowledge, methods and tools.

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